The most powerful self-discovery framework consisting of 9 archetypes when understood will lead to greater self-expression, creativity and inner peace.
Connect with what gives your purpose and meaning
Understand your core motivations, fears and blindspots
Reveal your creative genius and leadership style
Develop your emotional awareness to foster trust with others
Design habits and structures to assist your productivity
Create deeper connection in your personal and professional lives

The Nine
Ones - The Strict Perfectionists
Seeks a world that is perfect and beautifully structured. They measure themselves to high ideals/golden standards. They work hard to not make mistakes.
Twos - The Considerate Helpers
Wants the world to be more loved. They have big hearts and sense when others are struggling. They are super supportive and helpful but struggle to express their own needs.
Threes - The Competitive Achievers
Their ambition drives them to be seen as successful. They make effective plans to reach their goals but can struggle to be real in the moment. Tasks, checklists and deliverables always take priority.
Fours - The Intense Creatives
They are the unicorns, mysterious, moody with a flair for the unusual. They feel so deeply that it can be overwhelming. But from this depth, beautiful, unique creativity emerges.
Fives - The Quiet Specialists
Deep logical, rational thinkers. They observe the world from a distance and put together models in their heads. You have to ask the right question, in the right way to get them to share their knowledge.
Sixes - The Loyal Sceptics
They seek security and safety, so it is easy for them to spot small and big dangers. They will have your back if you are a trusted friend.
Sevens - The Enthusiastic Visionaries
They are fast-minded futurists. They want to experience all the good things in life and avoid any sticky bonds. They like to lighten up the mood and move things forward.
Eights - The Active Controllers
With direct or indirect power, they like to lead or move obstacles out of the way. They are not soft and want others to be strong like them.
Nines - The Adaptive Peacemakers
Harmony is all they want in life. Can we all just get along and be connected? Their kindness and softness are both gifts and challenges for them.